A nasogastric tube (NG tube) is a special tube that carries food and medicine to the stomach through the nose. It can be used for all feedings or for giving a person extra calories. You'll learn to take good care of the tubing and the skin around the nostrils so that the skin doesn't get irritated.
#NGTubeInsertionProcedvure #HowToPassNosogestricTube #IndicationsAndContraindication of #NG
NG tubeInsertion Procedvure,How To p ass nosogestric Tube Indications And Contraindication of NG,NG Tube Insertion Procedure,How To Pass Nosogestric Tube,Indications and Contraindication of NG,Nosogestric Tube,in peads,types of Nosogestric Tube,size of Nosogestric Tube,NG,Clinical Experience,pk beautiful places,