For Catholics who follow the traditional calendar, this Sunday marks the beginning of the liturgical season known as Septuagesima (pronounced Sep-too-ah-Jess-ah-ma) Septuagesima, means 70, and represents the 70 days starting on Septuagesima Sunday which is the 3rd Sunday before Ash Wednesday and ending on the Saturday after Easter.
Septuagesima is actually OLDER than Ash Wednesday on the Church’s calendar!
It’s a time to get ourselves ready for the season of Lent. We're encouraged to prepare our hearts for the coming fast and to begin now to think about the things that we will do in order to come closer to Christ.
We’re working on our next episode now all about Ash Wednesday and Lent and we’d love to hear from you what your Lenten plans are and include these in our episode.
You can make a short video using a smartphone or tablet and tell us what you’re planning on doing this Lent...what are you giving up? Chocolate? Video Games? Or maybe you’re planning to add praying the Rosary more or feeding the hungry? OR all of the above?! Let us know!
We’d also love to include any photos you may have of ashes on your forehead from last year’s Ash Wednesday. Have your parents email your video submissions and photos to Thanks for watching and Deo Gratias!
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