
Sinless Perfection ONLY occurs at Glorification & NOT AT Sanctification l Hell is paved with lies!

Sinless Perfection ONLY  occurs at Glorification & NOT AT Sanctification l Hell is paved with lies! Untamed Truth does not teach about rebirth, but rather that you walk in perfect holiness and God will accept you. That is very dangerous. I like some of the rest of their work, but I must warn people and hope this get to their eyes as well.

1 John 1: 9 says that we are liars if [ in sanctification] (which follows justification which Paul discusses in Romans), IF we say that we are without sin.

But don't worry, God has got this covered too, and Eternal LIfe is given to the children of God in faith, and that includes a perfected nature at that time. It is called the Divine or HOLY nature, as God has one, and we are born again INTO Christ Jesus, taking after his image. Last Adam restores us, for he is God, too. 1 Cor 15: 45, and John 1, Isaiah 9: 6

1 John 1: 9,Sinless Perfection,unattainable sinless perfect,Gorification we will be sinless,Holy nature,divine nature,Do not trust in your self,Untamed truth,Sinless perfection leads to hell,

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