Not everyone will agree with this video and that's ok bc not everyone has the same belief as I do. But for me being a Christian ( no never said I was perfect) I know that Christians aren't supposed to mess around with certain tools that evoke demons,the devil,evil spirit's. In my opinion evil spirit's aren't spirits they are demons and yes I highly believe evil is real so is Satan and demon's. I don't understand why people that have children mess with Spirit boxes, boards,other tools to evoke demons into your home around your children,you are putting your children at spiritual risk . If you believe you have something in your house or something is following you ,you must take care of it the right way by contacting a pastor or priest. Never try to do anything on your own please get help. A true Christian knows never to mess with the devil . Idc how cool it looks to play with spirit boxes,or to " contact" the dead, people that have died let them rest in peace. When you call out someone that has passed esp a loved one you gotta be careful bc demons are listening ,they are tricky . The last thing you want is evil spirit's/ demons in your home,it's a doorway you have opened and again there's only a certain way to close it so why even mess with that stuff? Loraine Warren has confirmed what I'm saying,go do the research she has said this about how demons listen when you try to contact the dead. So many movies out there that discuss this topic . Movies, shows,books can even be a doorway. Be careful of what you are reading and watching. I do believe we are in the middle of a constant spiritual warfare and I believe we are living in the days of Noah. Remember whatever you give out will come back to you