Creating captions or subtitles for a video can be a daunting task if you use traditional tools available inside of video editors like Premiere Pro, Vegas or Filmora. Sometimes transcribing all the spoken words in a video can take longer than editing the video itself. The automated method available in Premier and new versions of Vegas produces mechanical looking subtitles like those optional captions in youtube videos. There is no comprehensive method to create hard coded professional looking subtitles for your videos, at-least not one that give you control over the text styles and font sizes for individual subtitles. This might be important in case you want to emphasize individual words or phrases or when you have some long sentences mixed in with predominately short phrases. The workflow I'm discussing leverages the power of Adobe Photoshop to produce great looking text in less time. It also handles the problem of small font sizes when you have to fit long sentences in the same space. I initially wrote it in python for my own work after trying other standard methods and rejecting them. Now I have packaged it into a modular system that everyone can use conveniently for your own video projects. The systems requirements are not that much other than some temporary storage depending upon the length of your audio. This all inclusive comprehensive tutorial and the tools provided are all you need to create great looking captions if you want to transcribe long videos. These kind of captions are now a must for Islamic and Arabic content. Mixing in different languages like Arabic and English can also be problematic for some people. The method (IMO) is the quickest way to produce professional looking subtitles in the minimum of time. These large bold subtitles are easy to read for most viewers and they will not irritate the audience like DVD subtitles. There are alternative methods for Adobe After Effects (through scripting and expressions) and Premiere Pro but they are not as flexible as this. The great thing is it creates subtitles as a separate video file with transparent background. The caption text is crisp and the edges are smooth. You can import this video into your timeline in most professional video editors. Having said all this, there are some limitations of the current version and the software itself runs a little slow since I had not had enough time to optimize it. However, it is worth investing in some time learning this because of the overall savings for longer videos. The tools are absolutely free. If you need more advanced tools we can discuss them and find a solution for your particular needs.
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Reminder theMercifulServant,captions premiere pro,Creating Subtitles and Closed Captions for videos,movie subtitles,how to add subtitles to a video,hardcoded subtitles,how to create srt file for youtube,automate subtitles for youtube,CAPTIONS and SUBTITLES for Premiere Pro,subtitles for vegas,subtitle edit tutorial,best way to transcribe video to text,how to transcribe audio to text,captions in After Effects,screencapture tutorial,Merciful Servant latest reminder,