M.S., M.Ch. (Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery)
Dezire Clinic Pvt Ltd | +91 9272007896
dezireclinicindia@gmail.com | +91 9222122122
Pune | Delhi | Bangalore | Gurgaon
Fat gets easily deposited in the tummy area due to some causes such as inadequate diet, sitting continuously for long hours, no physical activity or exercise, incorrect posture of sitting etc. Tummy fat takes lot of effort to reduce; diet and exercise are not only enough for reducing tummy fat. Tummy tuck is the surgery which reduces the unwanted fat around the tummy area and also gives a proper shape to the tummy and also removes the extra bulges of the tummy area.
Patient has come to Dezire clinic to get his tummy tuck surgery done. He has got of fat deposited around his tummy and chest area. On conversation with Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) he tells that he has got lot of fat deposited around his abdomen and chest area since 8 to 9 years. He has got lot of sagging of his skin of chest and abdomen. He tells that as as he was always sitting in his home therefore he was gaining weight. As he has got asthma therefore he was not able to reduce his body weight. In his tummy tuck surgery first all the extra fat was removed from his tummy area by liposuction. After that the loose and hanging skin of his tummy was cut.
Dr. Prashant Yadav is one of the best surgeons for tummy tuck at Dezire Clinic. Dr Prashant Yadav the Director of the clinic and the Chief Operating Surgeon is a renowned and reputed cosmetic surgeon of International class with practical, authentic and extensive experience and proficiency in this thrilling field. At Dezire Clinic you will get the best tummy tuck surgery treatment at an affordable cost. For more details call us on +91 9222122122.
Why choose Dezire Clinic For Your Treatment ?
Dezire Clinic is a top searched Tummy Tuck Surgery clinic in India. When comes to “Cosmetic, Laser and Hair transplantation”. Why to us? Because we are patient orientated and doing our best to provide desired results to Client. We perpetrate to give the best treatments and services to our patients. A team of Dezire Clinic make sure that patients get the 'homely atmosphere'. We not just care for our patients well, but also pay full awareness to their caretaker.
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