
37 Acute Homoeopathy Medicines for 11 Acute Disease #MajidHussainSabriHomoeopath

37 Acute Homoeopathy  Medicines for 11 Acute Disease #MajidHussainSabriHomoeopath There are some diseases and discomforts that have nothing to do with mood, age, and particular person. These are called common diseases. They occur to every human every year and every month. As human beings, they are part and parcel of our lives. Such as fever, colds, headache, vomiting, motion, etc. They are too many. But the number is basically 11. All other concomitant diseases are associated with these 11. These diseases are called acute and acute diseases in the homeopathic. These 37 medicines are used in these acute diseases. These are the homeopathic remedies. Available at every doctor's clinic. If you know them. Know what symptoms are used in the cause of the symptoms so you will not need to go to a doctor. This lecture contains 37 treatments and 11 diseases. If you listen to it three times and buy these 37 medications at 200 potency, make a mini medicine dispensary in your home. You will be able to cure the most common household diseases yourself. This lecture is going to be very interesting, informative and useful. Listen to the end.
These are the 11 diseases in which these 37 medications are used.

Arsenicum album,Arnica montana,Iris versicolor,Ipecacuanha,Ignatia amara,Antimonium tartaricum,Apis mellifica,Athusa,Allium cepa,Baptisia Tin,Bryonia alba,Belladonna,Gelsemium,China office,Dioscorea,Dulcamar,Rhus toxicodendron,Ruta graveolens,Symphytum,Sanguinaria Canadensis,Selenium,Colocynthis,Camphora,Natrm muriaticum,Veratrum album,Hypericum,Hepar sulph,Eupatorium purp,aconitum napellus,podophyllum,glonoine,Ledum Palustr,Euphrasia,homeopathy,

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