Lionel Appears at the Cutting Room 16 May 2020 CE [LIVE APPEARANCE] #LionelNation🇺🇸 This is a truth revival, a clerisy hootenanny, a #Conspiratorium convocation, consortium and confab. Operators are standing by. Join the likeminded for a nonpareil event.
Here's precisely and exactly how you can join and attain special #LionelNation Membership status that allows a bevy of perquisites, benefits and accoutrements of select status.
In #LionelNation there’s only simple truth, one requisite. Verity. Bold, brash and naked. There are no political parties, no predetermined direction or cause. Just truth. We’re not conspiracy theorists; we’re conspiracy analysts, borrowing from Gore Vidal.
The great record producer Jerry Wexler described Lionel thusly: “He wears the mantle of Lenny Bruce, with Lenny’s own tropisms: The Oblique, The Irreverent, The Tangential, The Concupiscent, The Polymorphous Perverse, The Arcane, The Numinous. And yet Lionel brings to the table his own savory: A love of the mother tongue and a gonzo vocabulary that puts his logo on all his works, whether talk-show hosting, standup-comic spritzing, or hanging out – with himself a minor art form.”
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