
Is A Washington & New York Shut Down Coming? Business Comes Screeching To A Halt Near The Epicenter

Is A Washington & New York Shut Down Coming?  Business Comes Screeching To A Halt Near The Epicenter This is getting crazy! Did Amazon's Seattle office take a direct hit?
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Retail businesses in America have already begun to suffer near New Rochelle, NY, and Seattle, WA. Foot traffic is down for many restaurants and retail businesses in several major cities surrounding their respective epicenters. Both states were caught off guard and shoppers are choosing to avoid large crowds. How far will this fear spread well what happened with Amazon office in Seattle doesn't really help. Amazon announced one of their employees was sick and the coworkers who had close contact with him have been asked not to come to work. It seems we could see a lot more small businesses begin to fail if this continues. Amazon is already swamped due to people wanting to avoid the stores. The port of long beach is responsible for over 12% of total US GDP and supports more than 600,000 jobs in southern California. For those thinking the US will have no negative impacts from the shutdown in China should realize shipments were down dramatically. Apple also announced a shortage of iPhones and iPads due to the shutdowns in China. The question must be raised are these cities heading for their own shutdown?

Seattle turns into a ghost town,retail traffic halts for several businesses Washington,Retail grinds to a halt in Seattle,retail turns into ghost town in New Rochell,retail collapse seattle,retail collapse new york,retail closures seattle,retail closures New York,retail business screeching to a halt,retail suffers as shoppers avoid crowd in Seattle,Economic collapse news,apple iPhone shortage,Port of long beach grinds to a halt,Production halt,store closures,

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