Mastering pelvic tilt remains one of the most commonly forgotten techniques in golf. While players may study other movement patterns that utilize their pelvis, many fail to focus in on this crucial area of their golf swing.
Many George Gankas golf lessons focus specifically on how the pelvis moves during our swing. Through the GG Swing Method, students of George Gankas golf lessons have the opportunity to learn everything they need to know about pelvic tilt and how it makes or breaks their swings.
A crucial component in several sports, pelvic tilt plays an important role in golf. Mastering this technique will become immediately evident in the way you're driving the ball. Failing to harness the full potential of your pelvis will also show through in your swing, causing many players to experience limitations in their progression as a golfer.
Optimizing the way your pelvis moves during a golf swing will expand your driving distance, while also producing less stress on your lower back muscles. Most golfers that have successfully optimized their pelvic rotation have improved swing posture and begin hitting the ball with great force.
The pelvis connects the upper body muscle groups with the lower body muscle groups. This acts as the transition point for the transfer of body weight and energy during our entire swing. In order to tap into this natural reserve of energy, players must be able to tilt their pelvis into a neutral position. Existing in between a back tilt and forward tilt, the neutral pelvic position will balance power and distance in your swing.
Once players are able to establish their neutral positioning, they'll begin to swing more efficiently, which translates into deeper shots on the golf course. Many players who have successfully mastered rotating their pelvis often describe a vibrating sensation in their pelvic muscles. While such involuntary sensations often worry many players, understand it simply to be your brain mixing up contractions in your pelvic muscles that are creating the tilt in your swing.
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