
Seek – March 04, 2020

Seek – March 04, 2020 Seek – March 04, 2020

Many go and Seek for Me at the wrong places and that is why they do Not Find Me. I Am Not where they are Seeking for Me. Many even travel over land and sea to go and Seek for Me, with the hope to find Me, because they lack true Knowledge about Me and from Me, The One whom it is all about.

I do Not live in man made buildings, built of stone and mortar but in the hearts of My beloved children. You are a Temple of My Holy Spirit. I Am Immanuel, I Am within and Not far away. I Am always where you are. I will Never Leave you Nor Forsake you. You must stay with Me and always Seek My Face.

Those who diligently Seek Me, will Find Me. I Am always available, day and night. I Never slumber Nor sleep. I See and I Hear everything. You are all ever before Me. I Am always Faithful. I Reward those who diligently Seek Me with all their heart. Humbly Seek Me where you are and you will Find Me. Never lose Hope Nor give up but Seek Me always. You Need Me, I Am your Abba Father, I Love and I Care for you. Draw Near to Me and I will Draw Near to you.

Sadly many only seek the wrong things in life, that is why they are in darkness and lost. Unless they repent and Seek Me they do Not have the Hope of Eternal Life in the end but eternal damnation. I Am The only Way, The Truth and The Life, The only Savior, Messiah of the world. Those who Seek Me Find Life. You must all Seek Life for yourselves and Not death.

yt:stretch=16:9,Kingdom of Heaven,Kingdom of God,word,truth,Gospel,obey Jesus,follow Jesus,hear Jesus voice,Holy Spirit,Gospel of Jesus Christ,Seek Jesus,Jesus is Immanuel,Jesus is Within,Temple of Holy Spirit,not buildings,not churches,not temples,not cathedrals,

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