
The Batman Will Introduce Never Before Seen Weapons

The Batman Will Introduce Never Before Seen Weapons The Batman costume is full of secret weapons
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DC’s “The Batman” has a lot of surprises in store for us! Robert Pattinson’s turn on the Dark Knight will only hit theatres on June 25th 2021, but luckily we’ve got a few sneak peaks at the character’s new costume and some of the epic Bat-Gadgets that are going to be used in the film. We’ve got pictures of the crime fighter’s super cool new gauntlets and the retro, stripped-down Batcycle he’ll be riding in the movie.

But that’s not all. These pictures are only the tip of the iceberg. Director Matt Reeves has let us in on his inspiration for the new movie and it suggests that some of the hero’s most important weapons will be featured in a big way on screen. We’re talking classic Batarangs, but also Batman with a crossbow. Check out our video for the Caped Crusader’s newest arsenal of gadgets and some insight into why the Batmobile might be shockingly absent from his newest adventure.


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