a great book to break out of religious gods demons or other beings is The Book of Secret Wisdom, the prophetic record of human destiny and evolution by Zinovia Dushkova, try expanding your mind through study and practice it may just help you through your stuck points along your path to inner peace... We were all once the exact same dust that created stars and planets before scattered throughout the universe and that is why we reffer planets and stars to our gods and cozmic souls over the course of written history we simply gave those energies names duties and blame for how we feel inside hence what is in is out or you are the universe inside your body simply saying these things does not mean you truly understand what it is you are saying every thought requires effort to fully understand and just becuase others like who you are so they agree does not mean you are speaking truth, ever notice you get along great with others until you speak your own heart and it is not what they want you to say ;) namaste everyone be well... According to Abrahamic God astrology is also a tool of the devil yet everyone is quik to use astrology to explain the nature of the God they believe they are lol dont dabble your ether waking up or seeking attention...