
Real Estate Sales Is Simpler Than You This-I’ll Prove It!

Real Estate Sales Is Simpler Than You This-I’ll Prove It! How do you simplify the real estate process? It was so rewarding for me after a recent mastermind class when a top producer who he's known for more than 10 years said, "I finally get the simplification process!"

Your brain can shut down due to the complexities of the real estate business. It seems overwhelming. Running a small business is tough enough, let alone a real estate business. It's a huge financial transaction with many moving parts -- and people GO CRAZY. After 20 years of doing it and more than a decade teaching it, I want you to know that you can simplify real estate sales.

Whether you're a rookie or a top producer, I recommend pursuing the basics. Which basics? The Entrepreneur, who is the visionary; The Manager, who is the disciplinarian; and The Technician who executes. That's it! Those are the three concepts out of Michael Gerber's book that were such a big influence on me and can be for you as well.

"It's all about you sticking to these basics of educating somebody and empowering them in the right way." - Danny Griffin

Topics on This Episode of the Realty Classroom Podcast:

- Real estate sales is simple; how your brain sabotages the process
- Listen for real feedback and make simple adjustments
- You have three roles as a small business owner: Entrepreneur, Manager, and Technician
- How to tie marketing into earning conversion
- The self-discipline of The Manager; stick to the plan and repeat it

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