![Animated Digital Books Boost Child Recall Animated Digital Books Boost Child Recall](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/OHxcJZNPSx8/maxresdefault.jpg)
When a book’s illustrations move in response to a child‘s vocal delight, that child enjoys enhanced memory of the story. The researchers developed the animated books to model responses of enthusiastic parents guiding their children’s early reading experiences.
Ok parents! Skip the expense and batteries by releasing your own inner child actor as you read with your kids. Truly make the material come alive with animated faces and sounds.
Cassondra M. Eng, Anthony S. Tomasic, Erik D. Thiessen. Contingent responsivity in E-books modeled from quality adult-child interactions: Effects on children’s learning and attention.. Developmental Psychology, 2019; DOI: 10.1037/dev0000869
#Reading #digital book #animation #recall