
Retroflag GPi case HDMI out and Type C Modification

Retroflag GPi case HDMI out and Type C Modification For the ones that like playing on the go but also on the big screen, you can now have HDMI out on your GPi case!
Today we will continue the series of mods on the GPi case by adding an HDMI out port, type C charger and soft tactile back buttons switches.

For modified cases:

HDMI out Github Page:

8Bitdo Raspberry Pi pairing tutorial:

Parts and pieces:

Type C charger:
Spray paint:
Retroflag controller:
Mini HDMI to HDMI cable: L and R Buttons:

SN30 PRO+ Controller:

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you buy through one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you!


8bit Dungeon Boss - Video Classica by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

retroflag gpi case,gpi case hdmi out,gpi case,raspberry pi,type c gpi case,gpi case battery,retro gaming,retropie,gpi case modification,gameboy,retroflag,gpi hdmi out,

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