
Technology to Maneuver the Common Chores of Everyday Life | Murugan Vasudevan | Cisco Systems

Technology to Maneuver the Common Chores of Everyday Life  |  Murugan Vasudevan  |  Cisco Systems A reputed agency in the US conducted a survey to find the institution that people trust the
most among 6 major options. Interestingly, the results of the survey revealed that
Technology Companies, in about 20/25 years, have earned the same level of implicit trust
that the Churches and religious organizations have earned over thousands of years.

A general notion is that people seek the leverage of religion only when they have
exhausted all other options and have nowhere else to go. Similarly, people have resorted
to technology even to maneuver the common chores of everyday life in all walks. This is
because almost all human activities are conjured and are programmed to
interact/transact through one common channel, Network, the convergence platform. This
technology platform is hence required for the application of even the simplest of social
change. So, the future workforce should be exposed to multiple systems to become a T - shaped
professional with interdisciplinary breadth.

Speech at ICT Academy Bridge 2019, AICTE Auditorium, New Delhi

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Education,India,Technology,Technology for common man,Technology for day to day life,Cisco for technology,Technology for social change,Human vs. Technology,

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