
Field Data Acquisition Test in Lake Gaston, North Carolina - UBERG

Field Data Acquisition Test in Lake Gaston, North Carolina - UBERG As part of the Undergraduate Bishop's Earth Research Group, here is an overview of our field outing to test modifications made to the acquisition module. Make sure to come to see our results to the 2020 ACFAS Symposium in Sherbrooke (4-8th May)!

The photos acquired from this trip will help our deep-learning algorithm to recognize Eurasian watermilfoil and allow us to adapt our module to perform in conditions where water has a lot of suspended sediments and light scattering.

Video Edited by Ulrik Ladouceur
Song: "Can't Run Away" by AKAHENDY and Theo Tzu

data,acquisition,lake gaston,Eurasian Water Millfoil,

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