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- [Interviewer] Biggest concern about your competition?
- I didn't really have any. I was pretty confident the entire time.
- No, no, I was never concerned about that because I knew exactly, going into it what I was going to do and that I was going to win.
- [Announcer] The office Olympics at lunch time. Silly competitions for bogus office glory. NWPTV presents Midday Matchups.
- Hey I'm Jessie and I'm the music director here at Northwest Public Radio.
- Hi I'm Scott, I'm the news manager at Northwest Public Radio and Television.
- It's rock paper
- Oh one, two
- No, not
- What, yeah,
- One, two, three, go, right?
- No.
- Yes.
- Dammit.
- Yes. This is mine.
- You sure you want that one?
- Yes.
- Okay, if you wanna loose.
- [Producer] Three, two, one, midday matchup.
- Gotta take the googly eyes also.
- This is really going to show my weak side which is well, everything.
- [Jessie] Artistic abilities.
- Anything artistic. The song we sang as kids. ♪ Albuquerque he's my turkey. ♪ ♪ And he's feathered and he's fine. ♪ ♪ And he wobbles and he gobbles ♪ ♪ and I'm awfully glad he's mine. ♪
- That's wow. ♪ He's the best pet you could ever get. ♪ ♪ Better than a dog or cat. ♪ You never sang that?
- What, no my feathers. Okay, screw this, I opened the glue stick to find out that it wasn't actually a glue stick. It was just glue that then got everywhere including all over my hands.
- See, I was gonna use the grapes and they were kinda essential to the whole thing I'm going for. But whatever.
- You can make grapes out of pipe cleaners.
- I could, I'm gonna use our, okay, I need to take a moment now to note how pathetic our scissors are. I really fell as if the scissors hindered my ability to truly finish the centerpiece that I was trying to create. And then I was later, it was later revealed that there was a real big functioning pair of actual scissors that were being hidden from me the entire time. There was the, the whole time. Were you hiding those, the whole time these were there. Oh my goodness.
- [Jessie] Jokes on you, they're right handed scissors.
- They are. [Producer] Four, three, two one.
- Oh whatever, oh, shot, shot shot
- [Producer] Step away from the centerpiece.
- So the special item that I brought, these wonderful music hearts. I was like, I wanna make a nest. I wanna make a nest with this bird. That was my plan right away. And that was, I knew I wanted some fruit in there and the feathers honestly were just to make it look less like Christmas and more like Thanksgiving.
- I was going to truly represent the northwest from west to east we can see the Pacific coast right here represented in blue. The Olympic mountains right there. and then of course down here in the Palouse region are agricultural powerhouse represented by the golden wheat of the Palouse.