I am still in disbelief but I just wanted to give a huge thank you to Ally Bank for all the amazing gifts! I was happy with the Beanies & Jackets for the kids but I don't mind the funding for my classes & a car hahaha Happy #banksgiving! I appreciate it!
Banksgiving from Ally Bank:
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Breaking Gear & Camera Gear:
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My Equipment:
1. Sony A7III:
1. 18mm F/2.8 Batis:
2. 35mm f/1.4 Sony:
3. Canon 85mm 1.8:
Steady Cam
1. Zhiyun Crane 3:
1. Big Boy:
2. Travel:
3. Vlog:
1. Shotgun Mic:
2. Tascam:
1. DJI Mavic Pro:
1. Mac Book Pro:
Editing Software:
1. Adobe Primiere:
Disclaimer: These Tutorials on Breakdancing are meant to help spread knowledge to kids and adults who otherwise wont get it, and to help preserve to culture in which we call Hip Hop. Please help keep Hip Hop Alive!
Warning: These tutorials do involve moves that take time and hard work to learn and should not be attempted until you master the basics (Toprocks, Basic Footwork & Basic Freezes). Make sure you get comfortable with the moves before moving on, and make sure you have an open space to dance in. I am not responsible for any injures, sore muscles or broken furniture while you are attempting these tutorials. Take it easy until you feel comfortable. If you need extra help you can email me about doing a workshop or private lessons.
#breaking #bboy #bboying #bgirl #bgirling #dance #hiphop #hiphopdance #vincaniTV #bboyvincanity #breakdance #Breakdancing #housedance #locking #popping #streetdance #howtodance #howto #tutorial #dancetutorial #howtobreakdance #howtobboy #howtobgirl #howtostreetdance #howtowindmill
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HOW TO BREAKDANCE, vincanitv, locking dance, how to windmill, olympics, Breakdance tutorial, Breaking tutorial, HOW TO BBOY, bboy tutorial, dance tutorial, ,beginner breaking tutorial, beginner breakdance tutorial, how to dance, breaking, bboy, bboying, bgirl, dance, hip hop, hip hop dance, bboy vincanity, breakdance, Breakdancing, house dance, popping, street dance, how to, tutorial, dance tutorial, how to street dance, how to kip up, how to head spin,