Hey Guys....Welcome to "CUTTING EXPERT" Official Channel. This video you can learn how to cutting broiler chicken. Today i wanna show you Most Fastest Beef Cutting Skills at roadside street chicken market. In this video Butcher are cutting broiler big big chicken and selling into people is really amazing to see that. I visit many Meat market Around myself and Find this amazing cutting Experts, those who are Faster then others. This Butcher are really expert and they have amazing knife skills. If you really love this type of video just hit like button and don't forget to subscribe This Channel.....
This video just only for learning how to cut up hole chicken. So, just enjoy this video & make sure subscribe And Click the bell button.
This video just only for entertainment and learning purpose as how to slice and cut up a broiler chicken. Everybody loves to eating chicken and also cutting. If you hate chicken cutting just stay away from this video. This video is learning for how to cutting chicken & cutting process. I am not wanting to hurt anyone who don't like to see chicken cutting.