It’s not technically telekinesis, either, since that would imply that there’s something paranormal about the process. It’s called a brain-computer interface, using streams of energy remotely to move objects.
Notice the body torso moves upward but the arms legs and hands hang down as dead weight. If it were really paranormal or supernatural then the entire body would levitate, not just the torso of the victim.
'Mattel' has a children's game for sale at the local toy store where a child movesca metal ball around on a table with his brain waves. It's called 'MINDFLEX':
The Shadow Government is eighty years ahead of this technology which is now available on the market for purchase.
They use Synthetic Telekinesis, Synthetic Telepathy, Voice to Skull, etc., to create a haunting or make it appear as if ghosts or demons are doing it. Again to see what a person can MAINTAIN AS TRUTH. To SUBDUE or RADICALIZE a person's Belief System.
Just about the whole world is religious to some extent so they use God, angels, devils or demon scripts which are specifically tailored to the targets religion or belief system. If the target is an atheist or agnostic then they may use another cognitive stimulus such as aliens, which will also be believable because, again, the technology is to sophisticated to be from earth or because, say, the target looked up and saw a UFO over their house which was actually a hologram.
These remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation tactics targeting a persons faith belief system is also very effective when combined with Voice of God weapons or synthetic telepathy on the unknowing victim. They can even make the victim, or the victims friends or family, believe he or she is demon possessed.
For example they can manipulate the body in such a way as to change your facial expressions over a period of time by damaging the muscular tissue in the face or other area of the victims body.
Also, they can make the victims eye pupils become dialated giving the victim a sense they are demon possessed when they look in the mirror..
Additionally, by using a continuous fabricated and falsified stream of directed electromagnetic energy specifically tuned to the victims brain wave signature they can manipulate the visual cortex of the victims brain and can make the victim see objects, images, symbols, etc., which are not really there such as by using WAKE UP VISIONS.
For example they were monitoring my television and internet viewing habits and saw I was interested in ghosts, demons, spirits, etc., as they relate to the Bible So, one morning I woke up to the words TIME TO GET UP BRYAN and I immediately woke up and a tall giant of a man dressed in eastern middle aged clothing with a giant medallion around his neck was standing over me smiling and then in a few seconds he disappeared. Again, the next night I suddenly woke up to find an old lady standing over me with outstretched hands and within a few seconds she to disappeared from my visual field. This happened every night in various ways for weeks until I researched how they use directed energy waves to manipulate the visual cortex of the brain to create temporary visual images, objects, etc.
Of course, when all of this is combined with nightmares, dream modulation, objects moving on their own, etc., it can be scary, but I was never fearful because i am a born again christian and knew my God was and is greater than all of it, especially their technology which doesnt even work half the time effectively and can easily be defeated such as by spontaneity, multi tasking, quenching or redirection but that is beyond the scope of this article. This however exposes the fatal flaws in their mind control technologies.
So, as you can see, the belief system, faith or religion of the mind control victim is a favorite target of CIA DoD Trauma Based Mind Control operatives for the purposes of non consensual human experimentation research and development
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